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Story | A Man Who Digs A Pit For Others Falls Into It

There were three friends who wanted to get rich. One day they started on a journey in search of a chance to make a lot of money. They had to...

Story | A Man Is Known By The Company He Keeps

Once there was a student, Akbar. He was the only son of his parents. He passed his Matriculation examination in a high first division. He ha...

Story | A Quack/ a Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

Once there was a physician. He had a dispenser in his clinic to dispense medicines to the patients according to his prescriptions. ‘the disp...

Story | A Quack/ A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing

Knowledge is useful for people when it is complete and clear. Having a little knowledge without the ability to use it properly is dangerous....

Story | A Liar Boy/ A liar Always A Liar

Once upon a time, there was a young boy. He used to take his goats to the jungle so they could eat the grass there. One day, the boy wanted ...

Story | A Mouse And A Lion/ A kind Act Is Repaid In This World Too

Once there was a lion living in a jungle. One day, while he was sleeping, a tiny mouse started running over him. He woke up and saw the mous...

Story | A Hunter, A Deer, A Pig, A Snake And A Jackal

Once upon a time, there was a person who lived in a forest and liked to hunt animals. One morning, he went out to hunt, hoping to find a dee...

Story | A High Rank Needs High Sense

Once upon a time, all the animals in a forest decided to choose a king. They gathered together for a meeting. The monkey was very happy and ...

Story | A Guilty Conscience Needs No Accuse

Once upon a time, there was a man named Sheikh Moosa. He had a visitor one day who had a bag full of gold coins. While the visitor was sleep...

Story | A Guilty Conscience Dreads His Own Shadow

In the days of yore, there lived a Sheikh called Moosa. One day a guest came to him, lie had a bag full of gold coins. While he was asleep i...

Paragraph | Annual Sports Day Of Our School

The annual sports function of our school was held on the last Friday in our school ground. On that day, the atmosphere of the school took a ...

Paragraph | Annual Cultural Function Of Our School

The annual cultural Program of S.T. High School was held in the school premises yesterday. On this occasion the school compound was nicely d...